
Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Sweaty Blessings with Absence

Last week was interesting to say the least. My hubby left on Saturday to go on a missions trip.  This is the first time I have had all 3 of my lovelies all by myself for more than a full day. I do not envy single parents with multiple children. I have a ton of respect for those raising their children on their own. Whether it is for life or for just a time. I was beat. When I put the kiddies to bed, I put myself to bed too. I have never hit the coffee pot more frequently.
So trying to get places on time have been so hard. My eldest just does not see the urgency. Starting with Sunday. It was my first full day of just me and the kids. And wow, I don't think I have ever been so stressed out. I didn't think that Sunday's are supposed to be stressful. Trying to get out the door with all three kids on time, to the church, in the door, drop off each kiddo to their class, and get through the door on time proved to be stressful and exhausting!  By the time I sat down I was sweating. Ew. Sweating in church. Blah. When I got home, I decided I wanted to call my hubby and tell him to get his tail back home ASAP. That's what I wanted to do. Instead what I really did was fix lunch and make everyone lay down for a long nap, including myself. I am pretty sure my kids were tired of watching me run around like a crazy lady. Because we all went to sleep pretty quick.
Monday I locked us all up inside the house and decided not to move. Plus there was a heat advisory out there that I, in no way, wanted to participate in.  But oh no...I forgot that I have to somehow get my son to his 2nd ever Tae Kwon Do class ON TIME with twin girls in tow by myself.  Hmmm...  I love Master Yoo's Tae Kwon Do School and the instructors, BUT the space is super tight and limited to those watching their children learn to punch, kick and say HI YA.

 So just imagine me trying to get my son in the door, get his shoes off, pick up his attendance card, all while arm wrestling two car seats with not-so-light-anymore girls.  Sweating...again.  And we were late to class.  sigh.
Tuesday I was a little more on-top of things.  I knew that later in the week my dad wanted my son to go spend some time with him and to attend his church's VBS program.  HALLELUJAH!!!  So I had to get my boy to another class with Master Yoo.  In the middle of my preparations for the day, I got a phone call from my pastors wifey.  She said she wanted to come and watch my kids for me.  WHAT?  Watch MY kids for ME?  She said her week was pretty busy, but she really wanted to help me out.  So we planned for Thursday morning, so that I could go grocery shopping and maybe hit up Starbucks  (who has RARELY heard of doing things in the last 4 years).  After being all hopped up on excitement for my Thursday morning, I got everyone in our ride and over to Master Yoo's ON TIME!  whooo hooo mark one up for momma!  I still ended up sweating by the time I sat down with the girls to watch my son get another strip of tape on his little white belt. but darn it, I made it on time.  This was good sweat.  When I went to bed that night I checked my messages and found one from my cousin who lives up north of us.  She offered to watch the girls so that I could take my son to the zoo where they live!  WHAT? Really?  Yes, please!  
Wednesday was AWESOME!  We took our little road trip up north and my son and I had a blast at the zoo.  I am pretty sure the girls loved spending time with their cousins, because they got loads of attention and lovin's.  Sure my son and I were super sweaty after walking around in the hot sun all day, but it was worth it!

Thursday couldn't have been any sweeter.  My pastor's wife and their youngest daughter came and took over the house for me.  I ran out of the house with my breakfast in hand and scarfed it down on the way to Costco.  Unfortunately, I wanted to get so much done in a short amount of time that I once again found myself getting sweaty

Friday I just hung out with my girls until it was time for me to go to work.  My mother in-law graciously agreed to coming and staying with the girls after she got off of work.  

Saturday I got up early and went to work again with my mother in-law watching the girls.  The rest of the day was spent cleaning and relaxing.  
Sunday was a big day.  I had to get up to my dad's church to watch my son's VBS performance.  And I had to pack everything I would need for the girls for the entire day.  So I got up early again and got everything in the car, got myself ready, the girls ready, breakfast down the hatches, and on the road.  ON TIME!  Whew.  I thought, for an easily distracted 4 year old, my son did a great job with his songs and the motions to the VBS songs.  

Afterwards there was a carry-in lunch that was fantastic.  We rested a bit at my dad's and then went up to snap a few pictures of my grandmother's RV that she wants to sell.  Then we headed to my brother's for dinner.  While waiting to eat, we all took turns riding or driving the go-kart they have.  I think I swallowed a bug.  Before I knew it, it was way past time to get home.  I knew that I would be super busy on Monday, preparing the house for dadda's arrival.  

Monday was the day that dadda was coming home and we were all excited!  We were going to pick him up at 4 pm.  I got the message that he just landed and then shortly after that, I got a phone call that the airline had lost their whole groups luggage!  Grrrr.  You would think after paying so much stinkin' money to fly that they could at the very least not lose your luggage.  I mean, what is up with paying for your luggage, if they are just going to lose it?  So the 4 pm arrival time turned into more close to 5 pm.  But nevertheless we were still just as excited to have the absence of the head of the house once more filled.  I have never been so happy to see my hubby with the exception of on our wedding day.  I loved watching our son jump into his arms and get a huge hug and kisses.  

I could have been bitter that my hubby was leaving me and our 3 kids for a little over a week.  But I didn't have time.  What with getting sweaty taking care of three kids and being showered with blessing from friends and family.  I really think that absence makes the heart (and my headaches) grow fonder. 


  1. Selena,
    I truly admire your strength and faith in the Lord! Had I been in your position, I probably would have panicked. You are awesome and I love you lots!! I'm heading back to school soon, but I'd love to get together with you guys before I leave.

    Love ya!

  2. Thank you for the beautiful words Shelby! Yes. We need to get together before you head out! Thanks for the comment!


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