
Monday, July 11, 2011

Last Minute Fun

I feel like the Fourth of July snuck up on me this year.  I have been consumed with all kinds of other things in life, that we didn't really make any plans for celebrating our countries Independence Day.  The weekend before we got together with some friends and watched a parade in a neighboring town and had a cookout afterwards.  It is so fun to get together with people you truly enjoy spending time with and getting to know better and better.  So it wasn't until Saturday that my hubbs and I finally decided that we wanted to do something on the 4th.  Talk about last minute.  When we were camp directors in Alaska we didn't get to really celebrate the 4th because we had camp going on and we were running around like chickens.  Heads fully attached, just running around.  Plus we wouldn't have been able to see the fireworks anyway.  It would have been still daylight in Alaska.  And daytime fireworks are just not the same.  So for 3 years we haven't celebrated the 4th.
Being in a new town we had no idea what kind of fun there was to be had.  But they have a app for that...okay maybe not, but they have a pretty sweet website that tells you just about everything you need to know about what is going on for Carmelfest, as it is called.  So we called the parents and some family members and asked if they would like to join us at the parade on the 4th where we live.  And sure enough we had some takers.
So after church, on the 3rd, we decided to check everything out.  Wow.  What a day.  We walked from our house down the bike trail to the city center.  It was quite a walk, but we need the exercise. There was a fantastic Kid's Zone filled with rides and games for kids of all ages.  Our son got his picture taken by the local newspaper at the Paddle boat area.
 There were all the deep fried  and ice cream fair food stands and of course the booths of homemade goodies and political campaigns.  I really enjoyed a booth called Retro Café Art Gallery.  She had an assortment of necklaces and rings for sale.  I was drawn to the vintage typewriter keys and the resin necklaces with letters and little sayings.  I ended up getting a necklace that says "Keep calm and carry on".  A good reminder for me.  ;-)  

By the time we got home EVERYONE was EXHAUSTED and SWEATY! But what a great family day!

On the fourth.  We took in the parade with my dad and my hubby's parents.  I staked our claim for our parade viewing area the night before. I had noticed when I went to the grocery store, the night before the parade, that people were placing their chairs out along the parade route.  I thought holy cow!  Already!  So I followed suit and did the same.  And I am glad I did!  We had great seats and the people around us were great too!  I would say this parade was one of the best I have seen for a small town.  I couldn't help but get a little choked up when a piece of the World Trade Centers came rolling by on a decorated semi bed.  And flashbacks came to me of where I was when that horrible, life altering, tragedy occurred.  

I loved how everyone who could stand did so and applauded anytime anyone or anything passed by that had to do with our Vets or those currently serving.  

Of course the girls enjoyed themselves too! 

We then got to go home with our family and have a very nice and relaxing lunch!

How was your festive fourth?


  1. you guys are one busy little family...not sure how you get so much done =) smile

  2. Oh believe me I put a lot of things on the back burner. Like cleaning the dishes. ;-) Thanks for the comment!


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