
Wednesday, July 20, 2011

The Terrible Trifecta

Holy Cow Crap Batman.  I have been hit with the Terrible Trifecta!!!!

Número Ono - It is just stupid hot outside.  I don't feel like subjecting myself or my children to the nasty heat out there.   I heard on the news that city officials do not want people to water their lawns.  They want us to save on water consumption.  Great!  
Photo by Jesse Bikman

Número Dos - My sinuses are not cooperating.  My head feels like it is about to explode.  Not only is snot dripping from my nose, but from all three of my kiddos noses as well.  Great!
Photo by Cjaureque

Número Tres - Aunt Flow is visiting.  In other words, I am PMSing!  Just to top this (insert sarcasm here) wonderful trifecta off.  Welcome home hunny!  Enough said about that. Great!
Photo by Mike Licht

This trifecta could stop anytime now.  I would greatly appreciate it.



  1. Thank you for the laugh! I usually try not to laugh when someone is miserable, but I LOVE the lady with the gun. I can so relate!

  2. Oh you are so welcome for the laugh. I was hoping someone would get a kick out of it. :-)


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