
Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Time is flying

I remember when I had my first baby and people would tell me that I needed to cherish the time that they are babies.  I thought, 1st of all why are you telling me what to do?  You aren't my mom.  And second of all, why do I need to do that?  Then after my first born was walking and talking I thought to myself,  ohhhh.  Now I see what they meant.  The baby phase does not last long at all.  In fact, it flies by.

With M (my first born), we pushed him to roll over, crawl, walk, talk.  We pushed him to do it all.  With my girls (yes, I have two of them), I really haven't been trying to push them to do much.  I am trying to absorb their baby phase.  And I am realizing without pushing them, they are doing just fine.  And I can't stop them from growing up in front of my eyes.

I am blessed to have two beautiful baby girls, who each now have two beautiful baby teeth.  Teething with two really hasn't been that bad.  They both seem to be very easy going with a few hiccups along the way.

S & A
They are precious girls and I can't imagine life without them.  Teething and all.

~ Selena


  1. They are precious but we need to meet them!!!! I have been doing that with Eva- cherishing her -she's so darn cute-suprises us every day. I get so excited for the next baby to come so I get to do it all over again.

  2. Thank you Lynne! Yes, I know. It would be great to see you and your expanding family. I am so excited to see the adventure you are about to embark on with 4 little girls running around your house!


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