
Wednesday, May 25, 2011

That One Ingredient

Yesterday, as I was making dinner, I pulled all the ingredients out to begin my last minute throw together meal  (as always).  My hubby was on his way home from a hard day at work and he graciously stopped by the store for me.  Because there is always at least one ingredient that I don't have or I have ran out of.

I had researched a recipe on  I had some ground turkey and I didn't want to use the same couple of ol' recipe as usual.  So I found Ground Turkey Casserole by Beki.  What I like about is that when you read the reviews on each recipe you get more ideas on what to add to it to make the original recipe even better.  I had the ground turkey, noodles, tomato sauce, onions, garlic, and sour cream (or so I thought).  My wonderful hubby came home with the other ingredients cheese and cream cheese.  Ahem, yes I like cheese ;-)  I had the turkey browning, the noodles cooking and I was putting the rest of the ingredients together and BAM!  Wouldn't you know it, my sour cream was super SOUR!  AHHHHH!!!  Why is it always one ingredient!  How incredibly annoying.  I thought I had it all together.  But no.  I am always reminded that I don't have it all together.  Grrrr.  So what did I do?  Well, after cursing in my head and the steam subsided outside of my ears, I hopped on the Internet to find out a substitute for sour cream.  What what do you know, I found some!  Of course yogurt is used commonly as a sub, but of course we were out of that too.  The last suggestion on the list was cottage cheese, lemon juice, and skim milk.  Hallelujah!  Now that I do have!  So I threw those 3 ingredients into the Magic Bullet and blended those suckers up!  And you know what?!?! It actually worked and tasted just like sour cream!  25 minutes later we were eating dinner!

I can't answer the question, "why is it always that one ingredient."  But I do know that I am never in control even when I think I am.  God humbles me each time and reminds me that he has got it all together for me.  And He can show me a new way, a new substitute ... to make sour cream.  Whatever it is, I have to remember that God is in control, even when it comes to making dinner.

What is your One Ingredient?

~ Selena

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