
Friday, June 24, 2011

Where the Heck have I been?

I have been MIA for the last 2 weeks.  Thank you to those who noticed and missed me.  I went off in crafty creative land and am just now resurfacing.  I have been having a lot of fun, but I have been like a crazy lady lately.  I will update you on my adventures later but for now...

I won't bog you down with lots of words, I will just show you a few of the things that I have been doing.

Painting pots for my mom in law

A sign in memory of my mom

My new blog: Itzy Bitz 'N Stuff

My new business: Itzy Bitz 'N Stuff
And Flower headbands, flower clips, flowers, flowers, flowers....

My handmade boxes for packaging
To learn more about Itzy Bitz and why I have added one more thing to my plate go to my blog!
and to buy some of my hair accessories go to my Esty shop!

So this is just the few things that I have been up to lately!

I hope you all have been doing well.  I am sorry I have been out of touch for the past week.  I hopefully will be doing a better job soon!

Lots of Love!


  1. I am so excited to see the finished pots! They will be beautiful - especially with some wonderful herbs growing in them!! Love you, Selena!!


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