
Friday, June 3, 2011

Friday Finds: Kiddos having fun

My Friday Finds this week is told in pictures...

Kiddos having fun!

My son and nephew having fun at the 'hotdog' park.

This is how I found one of my baby girls.  So close to crawling!

Lots of fun on the four-wheeler

My other baby girl.  She thought she would sit under the ExerSaucer instead of in it.

I hope you are having a fun Friday!

~ Selena


  1. Wow, I have to go out and slave all day, and then find out how much fun you are having. These pictures are awesome. It looks like you have a fun time. You are such a great mom, and an inspiration to me. Love you babe!

  2. Aww Shucks. Thanks babe! Well you know, someone has got to go out and make the bacon so the bacon can be fed to the fam. And I guess you are it. ;-) Thanks for reading my blog and commenting!


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