
Wednesday, June 1, 2011


Yesterday, I was taking the kiddos over to Granny and Grandpa's to have dinner and to visit with some friends that were in town visiting from Alaska.  On our way, my son was jibber jabbing the whole way and something he said caught my attention.  He said, "momma I am DELIGHTED that we are going to Granny and Grandpa's house."   Delighted.  What a word.  Two things came to mind at the moment.  One was, what is a four-year-old using the word delighted?  And two, what was even crazier was that earlier in the day I had been looking up that word.  Thinking about that word.  Researching that word, delighted.  Being highly pleased.  

Are you delighted in anything?  

Right now I am delighted in...
my Children
my Hubby
my Family
Sleeping (ZZZzzzz)
taking a Shower  (HA!)

While I was researching this word I came across this verse:
He brought me out into a spacious place; he rescued me because 
he delighted in me.
~ 2 Samuel 22:20

~ Selena


  1. Thanks for this Selena, I've been sad lately that we don't have friends and I am super craving community and I realized it's me who's not trying. I just need to get out there and meet other believers. I delight in God's plan for our lives. I delight in Brian's work ethic. I delight in my kids. I delight in my paycheck -is that wrong? haha.

  2. You are very welcome. Although it hurts us sometimes when we realize it is us that is in the 'wrong', I think in the long run we can benefit from it. I am struggling the same way Lynne.
    P.S. I don't think it is wrong to delight in getting paid for your hard work.


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