
Tuesday, June 7, 2011

50 Million Things at Once

So do you ever feel like you are doing or you are trying to do 50 million things at one time and you never really get one of them done.  Yep, that is me right now.  I am trying to maintain a house, feed a family, change diapers, give baths, play with kids, work part-time, garden, make artsy fartsy stuff, blog and the list keeps going.  Because I am trying to do it all, I have a mound of dishes to do, dust that is building up, crafty projects that are half done, dinner is getting later and later...  Sigh.  As I type this, I am thinking that I need to work on one thing and get that done first.  Yes, I will be interrupted.  If you have kids that are still at home with you, you know that you always get interrupted just as you get all of your craft supplies out or get the dish water ready or fill up the watering can.  Whatever you have started, just wait a minute and that little voice around the corner will be saying "momma, I need..."  And most of the time I am glad to answer that little voice or little baby cry.  But I have my moments.  Grrrr.  I just wanted to finish something, anything!!  

I like this illustration the best from the April issue of Real Simple  

She calls it procrastination.  For me, I call it distraction with a hint of procrastination.  But for you it could be all procrastination.

You get up in the morning determined to start the day off right.  Today I am going to go on a run.  You get your shoes out, your running shirt on and realize your favorite workout pants aren't clean.  Then you decide, well crap I need to do laundry.  So you start the laundry.  Just as you are pouring the milk into your cereal the babies start to cry.  Guess it is soggy cereal for me, again.  Change diapers, try to find clean clothes for the girls, and go to make bottles.  Then you realize, well crap there aren't any clean bottles.  Now you get to listen to the screaming hunger pains of the twin girls as you clean their bottles.  And it keeps on going like that, all day, until you lay down at night and think... what did I actually get done today?  Crap!!! I forgot to switch the laundry!!!

Welcome to my 50 million things at once.

~ Selena


  1. Oh, sister, I know, I KNOW. This is so true! So glad to hear I'm not the only one who feels this way!

  2. Yep! Yep! and YEP!
    I have a list of things to do and I made this list 6 months ago and I think I maybe have one out of 10 completed! that doesn't include keeping the house clean and all the stuff I do with the kids on daily basis! Grrrrr. I would rather hire a housemaid to help me with that then ever a nanny to play with the kids. If I could just play all day long and not think about the house work I would be happy as pie!

  3. Thanks for posting ladies! It is crazy how hopping from one thing to another without really completing one of them makes me feel crazy and unproductive. :-P BUT at least the kids are happy ;-)


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